Cell phone tracking Google Pixel 4

Change the default app: Android lets you decide which is the default app, if you have more than one that will do the same thing. Here you can set your default browser, launcher, SMS app and so on. Disable picture-in-picture: Picture-in-picture will allow a thumbnail version of an app or video to play once you return to the home screen. Here you can toggle off apps you don't want using it. For example, toggle off Chrome and you'll not get in-browser videos playing as picture-in-picture. Worried about you app usage?

Digital Wellbeing will help you: If you're worried about how much time you spend on your phone, then head into settings and find Digital Wellbeing. This also appears as an app.

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This will not only give you a breakdown of your app and phone usage, but you can set timers and access other functions to remind you to switch off. Use Wind Down to help you disconnect: If you want to proactively protect your bedtime, then Wind Down is a great way. You can set in motion a process that slowly moves your phone to greyscale and switches you to do not disturb to help try to take your eyes off the phone. You can find it and set it up via Digital Wellbeing instead.

Notifications on Android are the best around, giving you loads of option and loads of control.

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Things haven't changed hugely, but it's still worth mastering. Direct reply: With recent versions of Android you'll often be able to direct reply from any app that has it built in. Swipe down on any notification card and if there's a "reply" option, hit it and type away without leaving the screen. Sometimes the toast notifications will give you the direct reply option too, so you can reply when you're playing a game without taking your eyes off the action.

Quickly switch to vibrate alerts: If you want silence, but are after vibration alerts still, then push the volume button and tap the bell on the pop-up at the side. This will switch to vibrate. Turn down media volume: Hit the volume up or down button, and the volume slider will appear on the right-hand side. Tap the settings at the bottom and you will access all the volume controls. Here you can turn down media volume. Turn on captions: This is a clever option that will add captions to any speech in video, great if you need your phone silent and you want to know what's going on.

Hit the volume button on the side of the phone and you'll see the caption toggle at the bottom. Just tap to turn it on. Squeeze to silence alarms and calls: You can quickly silence your phone with a squeeze. At the bottom of this list you'll find the option to squeeze for silence. You'll be spared the pings and chirps every time you get a Like on Facebook. Here you can set times for Do not Disturb to automatically turn on and off, like evenings or weekends.

Or, when you see a notification you don't want, slowly swipe it right to reveal a settings cog. Hit that and you'll be able to block notifications from that app. Hide sensitive information in lock screen notifications: You can have lock screen notifications without too much information being revealed.

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Here you can set the phone to hide information so it can't be read by everyone by selecting "show sensitive content only when unlocked". Google Assistant is getting into all parts of Google's devices, expanding its feature set and powers with machine learning and AI taking over the world. You can also opt to use it when the screen is off. Squeezing will start Google Assistant listening so you can just start talking.

There's a new gesture to access it on Android 10 on the Pixel 4.

Remotely lock and track a lost phone

Just swipe in from the bottom corner and Google Assistant will launch. Or you can tap the icon in the search bar on the home screen - or use the hot word. Swipe up Google Assistant to see more personal information: Swipe up once you've launched Google Assistant and you'll find more information updates waiting for you. You can see what's coming up or check your commute, for example.

Turn on the Ok Google hot word: When you setup your phone, you'll be prompted to setup the Ok Google hot word. If you choose not to, you can set it up at other times easily. Just unlock your phone and say Ok Google and the setup page will open. It's smart too, as for some apps, Assistant can navigation content within them - like watching a specific show on Netflix, or playing a specific artist on Spotify. This will take you to a trivia quiz that's loads of fun.

Swipe down the Quick Settings area and press and hold the battery saver toggle.

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This will take you directly to the battery details page. To find these details, open the battery panel as above and tap on the menu top right. Tap battery usage and you'll get a breakdown on what's killing your battery. If you want to set it up to switch on automatically when it hits 5 per cent or 15 per cent, you can do so here.

Find your Android phone using Find My Device: The easiest way is to head into your Chrome browser and type "find my device". Google will return a window that will locate your Android devices using Find My Device. You'll have to log-in to access the details, but you'll then be told the location of your phone, the battery status and what Wi-Fi network it is connected to.

You'll also have the option to erase, lock or play a sound. On the device you've located, it will have a notification to say it's been found. Just start your navigation in Google Maps and hit the home button and Maps will shrink into a floating live window you can place where you want on the screen. You can control it with the picture-in-picture controls. Here you can manually check for any updates that haven't been pushed. There probably won't be anything, but at least you know how to check. Scroll to the bottom and repeatedly tap on the Build number.

Find, lock, or erase a lost Pixel phone - Pixel Phone Help

After a number of taps, you'll be asked to confirm your PIN - then you have unlocked the developer options. Turn off the developer options: There's no magic tapping for this.

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Once you've unlocked those options, a new section appears in the settings menu as detailed above. Open it up and there's a toggle switch at the top. Here you can turn it off, and that menu option vanishes. Then tap the Android version. Then tap Android 10 and you'll flip to a page that says Android 10 on it. Double tap them hold the 1 and it will rotate. Drop it into the 0 to create a Q and the background will start scrolling. It's not hugely exciting. Search settings: Rather than rooting through everything, you can search the settings.

Just open up the Settings menu and there's a search bar at the top. Certification is important because we want users to have a good experience with your AR application. This is primarily related to sensitive motion tracking, which is done by combining the camera image and the motion sensor input to determine how the user's device moves through the real world. To certify each device, we check the quality of the camera, motion sensors, and the design architecture to ensure it performs as expected. Also, the device needs to have a powerful enough CPU that integrates with the hardware design to ensure good performance and effective real-time calculations.

The strength of Android is in the large diversity of devices available across the world. We are constantly working with manufacturers to make sure their hardware and designs meet these requirements. At the same time, we are working internally to make sure ARCore integrates well with every model we certify to provide good experiences for users. The device is running the minimum Android version listed in table below If no version is listed, the device must be running Android 7.

How to find a stolen or lost Android phone

Not only does it give you a backup service you can use to track down a lost phone, but it also gives you tools that Find My Device doesn't have. With Samsung's service, you can do things like force remote backups or see if someone has swapped out your SIM card. You must have a Samsung account to use Find My Mobile.

If you signed in to your Samsung account during the initial device setup, the Find My Mobile should already be enabled. If not, take a few seconds to sign in and enable Find My Mobile. Using Android's baked-in service requires you to remember one thing: android.

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That website is where you'll go in the unfortunate event that you lose your phone. Make sure to sign in to the same Google account that's linked to your Android phone.

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Not near a computer? You can use another Android device and the Find My Device app , which you'll have to download separately from the Play store. Immediately after you sign in to the site or app, Google will attempt to locate your phone. An alert will be sent to your phone to tell whoever has it that it's being tracked.