Tracker another Alcatel 1

This must restore any temporary glitch and must allow the users to access GPS right above.

How To Fix Alcatel GPS Problem [Methods & Quick Troubleshoot]

GPS works on radio waves emitted and received by the GPS antenna to and fro satellites and cell towers as smartphones use AGPS which involved signals from the latter too. But when there is any obstacle or interference between the antenna and the cell towers which could be many, the signal is disrupted and the results shown on your screen might differ greatly. You can use this method to get accurate results if you have been getting inaccurate results due to interference.

Alcatel Move Track - Ersteinrichtung

Simply move towards windows or say open spaces. But firstly, you need to get rid of the phone case that might be the culprit. You can remove it and check the GPS service to figure out if its the culprit or not.

You are using Internet Explorer 8

Power saving mode is a phenomenal app on your smartphone as it enables the user to save energy that would otherwise be used by apps that will drain the battery sooner than usual. But the catch is, when the power saving mode is enabled, it also turns off wifi and GPS and other features since these require high-energy. Check if the GPS problem that you are facing is due to power saving mode or not.

You can turn it off to check if the GPS is available and working properly or not. Many people search the internet in order to understand how to fix the Alcatel GPS problem as it either shows an inaccurate or incorrect location. Now, tick all the box that allows users to utilize GPS satellites and other services in order to strengthen GPS signal. But when these cache files get corrupted or damaged in any form, they cause blunders and issues like performance anxiety in smartphones, the phone gets slower, the screen begins to freeze or flicker or the services such as wifi and GPS begins to be affected and thus, it must be dealt with soon when the signs of these issues are visible.

This particular solution will delete cache partition which is residual cache files. For this, you need to slide into the recovery mode for which, the entire procedure is as followed. Firstly, you need to turn off the phone and wait for a few seconds. A round display with a flat bottom, one side button and one front button was what I had to work with.

The screen is x px cut at the bottom. The cut is a technical limitation, added to balance size, energy efficiency, brightness and cost. The research team provides us with a competitor analysis, focus group data on user expectations, pain points and feature popularity. The direction was set. Alcatel Watch buyers are:. Originally the feature set included:. Later we added support for iOS and features such as weather, workout tracker, themes. In this story, I focus on my part — interaction, motion and visual design.

I skip the early design stages such as preliminary research, as it was done before I joined. The initial concept of the UX was minimalistic. For the next iteration, I had to reconcile myself with the limitations and become more realistic.

Alcatel Onetouch Watch Review - Cheap But Limited

Now, we received our first working prototype. After some testing sessions we found several serious problems:. I came up with two new interaction concepts. Concept 1. Watch face is the default home screen, the touch button is Back. Concept 2. There is no home screen. The watch face is a function as any other. The touch button toggles menu no matter what function is active.

After review, everyone agreed that a smartwatch is first of all a watch, thus we chose the first concept. We removed the settings submenu to simplify navigation even further. Setting screens were replaced with toggle buttons in the menu. If too many functions were added, we could re-add submenus. During one of our testing iterations we found that users would touch the Back button more times than needed, and they would turn the menu on and off multiple times after returning to the home screen. To prevent this, I changed the interaction to open the menu only when pressing the screen.

Does it look too simple? The goal was to make it as simple as possible, to facilitate our target audience. The main navigation scheme was decided, but how would the menu work? We still wanted to reduce user mistakes within the small screen. We determined the minimum touch area size for first tier functions, and decided four buttons was the optimal number of items supported by the screen.

Menu proposals were:. Below in the Visual Design part you can find our exploration. The outer shape was square to make icons look as big as possible, the inner shape was circular and visually corresponded with the function. Tapping a function would zoom in on the button, transforming the icon into a fullscreen function. However, this would affect performance when opening the menu and complicate things a lot. First of all, when notifications are received, they pop up and the watch vibrates. We also wanted to allow users to check notifications later without leaving the current function, so I had to find a way to call the notification area from any screen.

That being said, I decided to swipe up from the screen bottom to call notifications and swipe down to close. For social networking services SNS notifications, we could only mirror the phone notification area no dismiss or snooze , and only for a small selection of apps. User could select which apps to get notifications from via accompanying mobile application.

Alcatel Move Tracker MK20 Black (MK20X-2AALAV1-1)

The initial idea was a chronologically ordered list, but this would be inefficient on such a small screen. So I decided to group notifications by app.

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Horizontal swiping would switch apps, vertical swiping would scroll app content. I also had to design modal notifications that required user action. These would pop up unexpectedly causing misoperations. The best solution we explored was sliding buttons with animated arrows.

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Apart from events and SNS, we had system notifications such as low battery warning, function auto dismissal, connectivity warnings, etc. A must have function in a smartwatch is an activity tracker. Initial requirements included steps, distance and calories. Based on research, I merged the activity tracker with sleep tracker, to keep all daily progress in one place. At some point we decided to display more specific data such as active minutes and overall progress on the main activity screen.

The watch could recognize walking and running, deep and light sleep and awake time. For a limited time, order online and we'll waive your activation fee.